January 06, 2017
Georgia DRCs to receive 2017 APPA Award for Excellence in Community Crime Prevention
ATLANTA - The American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) has selected the Georgia Department of Community Supervision’s (DCS) Day Reporting Centers (DRCs) as the recipient of the 2017 APPA Award for Excellence in Community Crime Prevention. This award seeks to recognize community corrections agencies, or community crime prevention programs coordinating with a community corrections agency, that have integrated community crime prevention initiatives into the traditional roles of supervision, intervention and sanctioning of offenders.
Assistant Commissioner Scott Maurer says that the DRC program is a deserving recipient of this award: “It is truly an honor for DRCs to be selected as the recipient of the 2017 APPA Award for Excellence in Community Crime Prevention. This award is a testament to DCS’s desire to develop, design, implement, and improve upon programs that make a profound impact on the lives of offenders and their families, the criminal justice system, and all of the communities across Georgia,” said Maurer.
Mike Kraft, DCS Director of Field Services, added, “Over the years, our officers, counselors and support staff in each of the DRCs and DRC-Lites across the state have committed to proven, evidence-based practices as they diligently worked to better the lives of offenders, their families and communities. It is this commitment and dedication that make our DRCs and DRC-Lites successful.”
Director Kraft will accept the Award for Excellence in Community Crime Prevention on behalf of DCS in Reno, Nevada at the opening session of the APPA Winter Training Institute on Sunday, January 8 at 5:30 PM.
The American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) is an international association composed of members from the United States, Canada and other countries actively involved with pretrial, probation, parole and community-based corrections, in both criminal and juvenile justice arenas. All levels of government including federal, state/provincial, local and tribal agencies are counted among its constituents.
Contact Information:
For more information, please contact Racheal Borgman, Director of Public Affairs at 470-755-4358 or [email protected].