July 25, 2018
Healing Communities of Georgia Training coming to Dougherty County
Who: DCS Reentry Services Unit
What: “Stations of Hope” and “I Choose Support” Mentoring Training
When: Saturday, July 28, 2018, from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Where: Friendship Missionary Baptist Church | 400 Pine Avenue; Albany, GA 31701
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/georgia-department-of-community-supervision-reentry-services-unit-16579182545
** Dougherty County and all surrounding counties**
1 in 13 adults under correctional supervision in Georgia. The recidivism rate in the past has reached 27%. To combat these trends, the high rate of incarceration and the devastating impact incarceration has on families, the state of Georgia adopted the Georgia Prisoner Reentry Initiative (GA-PRI).
The initiative implements a seamless plan of services and supervision developed with each returning citizen from the time of their entry into prison throughout their successful reintegration and aftercare in the community. The success of the initiative is contingent upon state and local collaborations, including “Healing Communities” and the “I Choose Support” mentoring movement.
The program’s success requires the collaborative efforts of the faith community, community partners, stakeholders, and other concerned entities across the state. This program is designed to not only reduce recidivism but to impact the layers of negative consequences of crime, increase job retention and promote family reunification.
About DCS Reentry Services Unit
The goal of the Reentry Services Unit (RSU) is to help all returning citizens, and those citizens currently under community supervision reenter public life and transition into law-abiding, productive members of the community. Operating within the Court/Board/Field Services Division of DCS, the RSU is tasked with the important role of organizing and providing assistance to returning citizens to further our efforts in reducing Georgia’s recidivism rate.
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