Secure Alternatives
Detention Centers
Minimum security facilities provide a sanctioning option for offenders under community supervision who require increased security or supervision. The centers are highly structured, with regimented schedules that include supervised, unpaid community work and programming aimed towards making offenders more successful in the community. The length of stay varies based on each offender’s sentence, with a minimum of 60 days and a maximum of 180 days.
All offenders sentenced to Detention Centers should meet the following criteria:
- Age 17 and up
- Minimum of 12 months remaining on sentence
- Must not be pregnant
- Notify GDC Offender Administration if offender has physical limitations that would exclude strenuous labor and physical activity
- Notify GDC Offender Administration if offender has known mental disorder or retardation that would prevent participation in a program that requires intensive interaction and strenuous physical activity.
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment programs target high-risk, high-needs offenders who have a history of substance abuse as a crime-producing behavior leading to correctional supervision. This program is based on the Therapeutic Community Model. The length of stay is until successful program completion.
All offenders sentenced to RSATs should meet the following criteria:
- Must have a history of substance abuse
- History of substance abuse treatment within six months of intake/referral
- Unsuccessful completion at DRCs, Accountability Courts (Drug Courts), RSAT programs and/or Aftercare Services
- Age 17 and up
- Minimum of 18 months remaining on sentence
- Short-term incarceration graduated sanctions
- Rearrest/Reoffend associated with substance abuse after completion of above programs
- No Mental Health III’s or higher
- Must not be pregnant
- Detox prior to bed date (preferred)
- Able to stand for a long period of time
- No cardiac issues
- No frequent hospitalizations required
- No seizures
- No respiratory/breathing issues (i.e. asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis or COPD)
Integrated Treatment Facilities are residential program that actively combines interventions to address substance use and mental health disorders with the goal of more effectively treating the whole person. The length of stay is until successful program completion.
All offenders sentenced to ITFs should meet the following criteria:
- Must have a history of substance abuse and mental illness
- Currently prescribed psychotropic medication(s)
- History of mental health and substance abuse treatment within six months of intake/referral
- Unsuccessful Completion at DRCs, DRC Lites, Accountability Courts (Mental Health and/or Drug Courts), RSAT programs and/or Aftercare Services
- Age 17 and up
- Minimum of 18 months remaining on community supervision
- Must be a Mental Health Level II or below
- Must not be pregnant
- Detox prior to bed date (preferred)
- Able to stand for a long period of time
- No wheelchair or crutches
- No cardiac issues
- No frequent hospitalizations required
- No seizures
- No respiratory/breathing issues (i.e. asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis or COPD)