Community Based Alternatives

Community Service Work

Individuals may be ordered or sanctioned to perform uncompensated work for the benefit of the community by a judge, parole board, or via Probation Options Management waiver or hearing. Community service can be a condition of a direct order from the courts or parole board, an individual sanction, or as a component of a program such as Day Reporting Centers.

Electronic Surveillance

Electronic Surveillance is an option for monitoring non-compliant individuals who have high risks, high needs, or who would otherwise be incarcerated. Supervised individuals are ordered or sanctioned to electronic surveillance by the courts, parole board, Probation Options Management via waiver or hearing, or as outlined by O.C.G.A. §42-1-12 (a)(21) and §42-1-14 regarding Sexually Dangerous Predators.

All individuals sentenced to Electronic Surveillance should meet the following criteria:


  • Individuals who have “EM Surveillance” special conditions or sanctions
  • Voice print is required
  • Land-line phone required (free of special features, ie. call waiting, call forwarding, voice mail)

STOP GPS Electronic Monitor

  • Sexually Dangerous Predators as deemed by GA SORRB
  • BluTag Device Installed on leg
  • DCS pays cost of $3.09 per device per day
  • In-home unit may be required for areas with poor coverage
  • No cost to individuals

Day Reporting Centers (DRCs)

Day Reporting Centers provide an intensive non-residential prison diversion program targeted at high-risk, high-need individuals with a history of substance use and non-compliant behavior. DRCs seek to address the root problem of substance use, rather than the non-violent crimes that result from addiction.

All individuals sentenced to DRCs should meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum of 12 months left under sentence
  • Males and females are accepted
  • No age limitation
  • No pending charge or a sentence that would interrupt completion of the approximately 12-month DRC Program by requiring a term of incarceration.
  • Mental health participants are accepted (MUST BE a Mental Health Level II or below - no Mental Health IIIs or higher)
  • Must have the cognitive ability to comprehend the program material and instructions. It is not required for the individuals to be able to read and/or write. (individual may receive help in these areas from members of the group.)
  • Individuals ineligible for referral to a DRC are those whose psychiatric condition prevents them from participating and/or comprehending program material