Probation Supervision Programs

Day Reporting Centers (DRCs)

The central mission of the Day Reporting Centers is to provide select probationers and parolees with opportunities to change criminal thinking and behavior through a combination of counseling, educational programming and close supervision. This comprehensive program targets substance abuse, mental health and restitution payments. The DRC’s also help restore offenders to the community by offering a variety of cognitive programs, educational and employment opportunities and substance abuse counseling. There are a total of 36 DRC programs strategically located throughout the state.

Probation Reporting Contact Center (PRCC)

The Probation Reporting Contact Center or PRCC seeks to effectively monitor low risk offenders thereby allowing community supervision officers to concentrate on the higher risks/higher needs offenders. This automated system asks offenders a series of questions. Certain answers trigger intervention by a live call handler. The live call handler will then address the issue and if it cannot be resolved, the call is then transferred to the local probation office. The PRCC does not circumvent the authority of the supervising probation officer. The PRCC handles approximately 54,000 calls per month. This service is available for all low risk offenders statewide. This award winning program has been in operation since 2010.